Friday, July 6, 2012

Transitions Show and Books for Artistic Inspiration

The heat wave here in the U.S.A. has finally hit my part of the country and it’s so hot right now that I feel like a menopausal woman, which I’m not. I really hate the heat and don’t enjoy when it gets above 80 degrees, for I start feeling like a wilted flower.  Anyways…………….

The good news is that I am currently showing a Linn Benton Community College in a show called Transitions with some of my guild mates from our guild called Temporary Artists Here’s the flyer incase you want to stop by and check it out!

Also, I have been seeking inspiration for the series of paintings that I'm working on currently. I decided since my paintings already look like something from outer space why not push that further. I have found my inspiration in two books by Michael Benson entitled “Far out” and “Beyond”. I absolutely love these books and the photos are amazing. I have ready begun to find inspiration for new abstract paintings and ways to make my current work look even better. Nature really is our best teacher when it comes to forms for paintings.  So, I will be posting pictures of my new and improved work soon!


  1. I highly suggest going to this show, it is very well put together with fascinating artwork.

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